M55 campaign StratoClim
M55 campaign StratoClim The first phase of the aircraft campaign StratoClim (Stratospheric and upper tropospheric processes for better climate predicitons)…
M55 campaign StratoClim The first phase of the aircraft campaign StratoClim (Stratospheric and upper tropospheric processes for better climate predicitons)…
HALO campaign EMeRGe-EU The scientific project EMeRGe („Effect of Megacities on the Transport and Transformation of Pollutants on the Regional…
ACTOS-Azores Since 2006 enviscope supports the helicopter based measurement system ACTOS on behalf of the Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research…
HALO-CoMeT In April 2017 the HALO mission CoMeT has started. It’s objective was to improve the understanding and to better…
STC for IAGOS Package P2d ‚Greenhouse Gases‘ issued by EASA On 16 December 2016 an important Milestone was reached when…
Season’s greetings 2016 This year our Santa Claus was wondering as he read the „Latest News“ of the enviscope website……
DWD Asche und MONA On 28.04. and 29.04.2016 enviscope conducted a test campaign for the German Weather Service (DWD). Instruments…
To all our colleagues, co-workers, customers, and friends a Merry Christmas and all the best for 2016! This year our…
FALCON_SV (SkyView) ready for GW-LCYCLE 2016! On the 18th of December 2015 the GW-LCYCLE mission 2016 started with a test flight of the…
Dropsonde system for British FAAM BAe-146 The University of Hertfordshire (Prof. Joseph Ulanowski) has commissioned enviscope GmbH to deliver the “Cloud and…