HALOX (HALogen OXide monitor) – Instrument adaptation from balloon to aircraft On behalf of the Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH enviscope has been incorporated…
HALOX (HALogen OXide monitor) – Instrument adaptation from balloon to aircraft On behalf of the Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH enviscope has been incorporated…
Airborne Water Vapour Measurements In co-operation with the Research Centre Jülich, Institute of Chemistry and Dynamics of the Geosphere –…
LACE – Lindenberg Aerosol-Characterization-Experiment 1998 Research Flights with Partenavia P68B D-GERY on behalf of IfT, Leipzig In August 1998 a…
A modular system to measure air chemical parameters aboard the DO128, D-IBUF In 1998 we completed a project on behalf…
POLSTAR in ’98 Airborne expedition to investigate the causes of ozone loss in the region of the Polar Tropopause The…
In the years 1996 and 1997 enviscope was engaged in the performance of microphysical measurements of aerosol particles in Morocco, in close…
Fog Impactors – Sampling devices for ground based cloud studies Isokinetic Cloud Probing System (ICPS) The Isokinetic Cloud Probing System (ICPS) is a single-stage…
Research Flights on ‚Arctic Haze‘ – aboard the Iljushin Il-18 „Cyclone“ aircraft, 1993-1995 In the year 1993 the joint Russian-German…