FALCON and HALO measuring campaigns
Currently two scientific measuring campaigns with the German research aircraft FALCON and HALO are taking place. In the frame of the C`GW-LYCLE experiment FALCON is operating from Kiruna Sweden to study life cycles of gravity waves while HALO observes tropical cloud and precipitation processes within the NARVAL experiment. Aboard both aircraft instruments of the Institutes of Physics of the Atmosphere at Mainz and DLR, Research Centre Jülich, and University Leipzig are installed. The instruments are designed for in-situ measurement of trace gases and aerosol particles as well as for radiation measurements and the deployment of drop sondes.
We are happy that we could contribute, in co-operation with our partner Gomolzig Flugzeug- und Maschinenbau, to both campaigns by the successful adaptation and certification of these instruments to both research platforms. We wish the scientific groups success with their individual experiments.