IAGOS P2b on Air France A330
Full expansion stage for IAGOS-NOx measurements achieved with success: On 20.1.2025, IAGOS Package2b was installed on an Air France A330.…
Full expansion stage for IAGOS-NOx measurements achieved with success: On 20.1.2025, IAGOS Package2b was installed on an Air France A330.…
In June 2024 TPEx (TropoPause compositon gradients and mixing Experiment) starts as the central measurement campaign of the TPChange project.…
We are present at the ILA 2024 in Berlin – the international Aerospace Exhibition – as a service provider for…
The STC for IAGOS Package2b (NOx Analyzer) has been issued by EASA on 18.01.2022. Together with our partner ACC COLUMBIA…
The IAGOS Package2d (Greenhouse Gas Analyzer) has been revised in order to implement minor improvements. Together with our partner Gomolzig…
EUNADICS-AV (European Natural Airborne Disaster Information and Coordination System for Aviation) is a Europoean project with 21 participating organizations from 12 different countries. The project addresses airborne hazards such as volcano…
HALO campaign EMeRGe-Asia The scientific project EMeRGe (“Effect of Megacities on the Transport and Transformation of Pollutants on the Regional…
DWD Spir-Ident test flight On behalt of the German Weather Service (DWD) envisope has installed an airborne radiation measurement system…
HALO campaign WISE The HALO campaign WISE started in September 2017 from Shannon, Ireland. WISE investigates the relation between composition…
M55 campaign StratoClim The first phase of the aircraft campaign StratoClim (Stratospheric and upper tropospheric processes for better climate predicitons)…
HALO campaign EMeRGe-EU The scientific project EMeRGe (“Effect of Megacities on the Transport and Transformation of Pollutants on the Regional…
ACTOS-Azores Since 2006 enviscope supports the helicopter based measurement system ACTOS on behalf of the Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research…
HALO-CoMeT In April 2017 the HALO mission CoMeT has started. It’s objective was to improve the understanding and to better…
STC for IAGOS Package P2d ‚Greenhouse Gases‘ issued by EASA On 16 December 2016 an important Milestone was reached when…
Season’s greetings 2016 This year our Santa Claus was wondering as he read the „Latest News“ of the enviscope website……
DWD Asche und MONA On 28.04. and 29.04.2016 enviscope conducted a test campaign for the German Weather Service (DWD). Instruments…
To all our colleagues, co-workers, customers, and friends a Merry Christmas and all the best for 2016! This year our…
FALCON_SV (SkyView) ready for GW-LCYCLE 2016! On the 18th of December 2015 the GW-LCYCLE mission 2016 started with a test flight of the…
Dropsonde system for British FAAM BAe-146 The University of Hertfordshire (Prof. Joseph Ulanowski) has commissioned enviscope GmbH to deliver the “Cloud and…
OMO test campaign succesfull The test campaign for the OMO mission onboard HALO has been accomplished successfully. In January 2015…
STC for IAGOS Aerosol Intake issued On 14.01.2015 the EASA has issued a Supplement Type Certificate (STC 10051908) for the…
To all our colleagues, co-workers, customers, and friends a Merry Christmas and all the best for 2015! This year our…
ACRIDICON mission started On 1 September 2014 the HALO mission ACRIDICON has started with the transfer to Manaus, Brazil. enviscope and its partner Gomolzig…
ML-CIRRUS campaign started Today the first HALO flight of the ML-CIRRUS campaign has started. enviscope and its partner Gomolzig are happy that they could…
FALCON and HALO measuring campaigns Currently two scientific measuring campaigns with the German research aircraft FALCON and HALO are taking…
This year our Santa Claus is excited to use the logistical system which was originally developed within the IAGOS project.…
In September 2013 measurements with the helicopter-borne System ACTOS have been performed by the Institute for Tropospheric Research, Leipzig (TROPOS). The helicopter…
The SMART-AIRTOSS Sensor Shuttle has finished sucessfully the main campaign with the Learjet 35A. From August 26 several flights have…
The flight test program of the two new inlet systems CVI and HASI started in the second week of August 2013. The…
The IAGOS project has become one of the first large science infrastructures evaluated successfully within the pilot phase of the German Roadmap process by…
The new SMART-AIRTOSS Sensor Shuttle has passed sucessfully the flight test program and a test campaign with the Learjet 35A.…
The Luftfahrtbundesamt (LBA) has issued the Supplement Type Certificates (STC) for the HAI and DUALER intakes for the use on board of the research…
In preparation of the mission “OMO ” planned for summer this year, another Intake System has been tested during two…
This year Santa Claus is walking through the snow-covered landscape to distribute the gifts to his clients. As he is…
Platin Miles and More card for enviscope container! please refer to http://idw-online.de/de/news509586
Small is beautiful! After two more flight campaigns with our small aircraft Partenavia P68B we realized the glamour of smaller experiments. One…
One of our junior scientists started his Master Thesis at “Technische Universität Darmstadt”. He could establish a promising cooperation with the…
The last delivery report of enviscope within the IAGOS-ERI project has been published end of August 2012 in due date after 4 years…
enviscope contributions to the second HALO campaign in the row by finalization of four modifications in August 2012. Based on the…
In July 2012 the colleagues of DLR could finally close the flight test program of Trace Gas Inlets (TGI) for HALO, covering…
In July 2012 the HAI (Hygrometer for Atmospheric Investigations) developed by enviscope on behalf of FZJ has performed the DLR flight test…
On 4 June 2012 the aircraft HALO successfully completed the last measurement flight of the GEOHALO Mission. The operators have reported that…
enviscope GmbH and Gomolzig Flugzeug- und Maschinenbau GmbH (GFM) accomplished the entire certification program for the GEOHALO instrument components into the aircraft HALO.…
As part of the GEOHALO mission enviscope GmbH and Gomolzig Flugzeug- und Maschinenbau GmbH (GFM) with the collaboration of the German airworthiness authorities Luftfahrt…
To all our colleagues, co-workers, customers, and friends a Merry Christmas and all the best for 2012! This year Santa…
The idea of our partner and contractor KIT (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) to regularly measure air quality in urban areas…
On May 25, just in the beginning of the DENCHAR In-Flight Intercomparison Campaign (DENCHAR IFCC), volcanic ash from the eruption…
On behalf of the German Weather Service (DWD) enviscope performed measuring flights to control the radioactivity in the upper atmosphere after the…
To all our colleagues, co-workers, customers and friends a Merry Christmas and all the best for 2011! This year our…
From October 25th to October 31st 2010 enviscope joined the International Conference on Airborne Research for the Environment (ICARE) in Toulouse. During the Airborne Research…
The scientific experiment HALO_SR „Spectral Radiances“ has been flown aboard the first HALO mission with operational scientific instruments. The instrumental set-up has…
DLR has finished the first set of test flights with the Trace Gas Inlet (TGI) installed on HALO. The TGI was developed,…
SMART-HELIOS is a newly developed instrument for measuring spectral radiative properties of clouds. It was built by enviscope GmbH on behalf of…
After 10 weeks in a pretty, nice, but very cold area, our work north of the Arctic Circle came to…
To all our colleagues, co-workers, customers and friends a Merry Christmas and all the best for 2010! This year our…
On behalf of MPI for Biogeochemistry Jena enviscope successfully finalized a flight campaign to validate ground based Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectrometers measuring the…
enviscope GmbH delivers a newly developed instrument package for aerosol and gas-phase monitoring being installed on the so-called AERO-TRAM. The AERO-TRAM…
End of January we informed about our activities to support certification work for the new German research aircraft HALO. Most…
On the occasion of the Critical Design Review meeting (CDR) for the new HALO „Trace Gas Inlet“ (TGI) the first…
All actions needed which enable enviscope to support DLR in certification work for the new German research aircraft HALO are taken. In close…
To all our colleagues and customers a Merry Christmas andall the best for 2009! If you want to read more…
FELDEX 95 and NORDEX 96 In the years 1995 and 1996 two joint field experiments were carried out at the…