During the TPEx campaign (Tropopause composition gradients and mixing experiment campaign), nine research flights totalling 28 flight hours were successfully conducted in June 2024 with a Learjet 35A by our partner GFD GmbH. That campaign is the central field campaign of the TPChange research center. The flights took place in Central and Northern Europe in order to find answers to the following scientific questions:
- Water vapor distribution in the UTLS region across central Europe
- Identification of mixing at and across the tropopause induced by diabatic processes
- Vertical transport of aerosols and trace species from the boundary layer to the UTLS (e.g. by convection or frontal uplift) and effect of UTLS composition and new particle formation events
- Source apportionment of aerosols and ice-nucleating particles (INPs) for understanding the main pathways of transport towards UTL
Extensive data sets were generated. Researchers from various institutes were involved, such as
- Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz (coordinator of the campaign)
- Max-Planck-Institut Mainz
- Forschungszentrum Jülich
- Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Universität, Frankfurt a. Main
The researchers from the DFG-Special Research Field “The Tropopause Region in a Changing Atmosphere” are now using these data to investigate the structure and the mixing process in the tropopause region. The instrumentation includes the novel approach to measure the relevant parameters not only on the flight level of the aircraft but also several hundred meters below the aircraft based on a sensor shuttle (TOSS) towed by the Learjet 35A. This unique capability gives the opportunity to simultaneously resolve and subsequently analyze highly transient trace gas, aerosol, and temperature fluctuations in the atmosphere.
enviscope was in charge for the adaptation of the instrumentation, the documentation and the certification with our partner ACC COLUMBIA Jet Service (EASA and LBA Part 21J Design Organisation), the coordination amongst all partners, the agreements on flight plannings and the preparation in advance and – last but not least – for the execution of the field mission in co-operation with GFD GmbH. This included the following services:
- Design of cabin layout
- Mission planning
- Electrical wiring plan
- Gas routing plan
- Risk analysis and safety assessment
- Certification and documentation
- Adaptation of the measuring equipment in AIRTOSS, Knuffi and the aircraft cabin
- Realisation of measurement flights in cooperation with the Gesellschaft für Flugzieldarstellung GmbH (GFD)
The campaign was a great success thanks to the excellent support of the GFD – in a very warm and welcoming atmosphere.