enviscope provides access to airborne platforms like Learjet or Partenavia P68. Research aircraft like HALO, FALCON or Geophysica are supported. We have experience also with other airborne or groundbased platforms.
enviscope provides access to aircraft like Learjet and Partenavia P68 or to other research platforms as well as support during scientific campaings. This includes mission preparation, airport and shipping logistics, onsite field support and flight planning.
enviscope provides technical support throughout all phases of a scientific campaign. This includes the installation of scientific instruments on aircraft, ground tests, repair, and servicing.
Field support
enviscope provides field support during scientific campaings. This can include mission preparation, shipping logistics, onsite field support, wheather consultancy and flight planning, calibration, data acquisition, data analyses, visualization, the preparation of reports and assessments as well as advise on aviation rules and flight safety.